I’ve been using Prometheus for quite some time and really enjoying it. Most of the things are quite simple – installing and configuring Prometheus is easy, setting up exporters is launch and forget, instrumenting your code is a bliss. But there are 2 things that I’ve really struggled with:
In this post, I’ll share the JMX part because I don’t feel that I’ve fully understood the data model and PromQL. So let’s dive into that jmx-exporter thing.
jmx-exporter is a program that reads JMX data from JVM based applications (e.g. Java and Scala) and exposes it via HTTP in a simple text format that Prometheus understand and can scrape.
JMX is a common technology in Java world for exporting statistics of running application and also to control it (you can trigger GC with JMX, for example).
jmx-exporter is a Java application that uses JMX APIs to collect the app and JVM metrics. It is Java agent which means it is running inside the same JVM. This gives you a nice benefit of not exposing JMX remotely – jmx-exporter will just collect the metrics and exposes it over HTTP in read-only mode.
Because it’s written in Java, jmx-exporter is distributed as a jar, so you just need to download it from maven and put it somewhere on your target host.
I have an Ansible role for this – https://github.com/alexdzyoba/ansible-jmx-exporter. Besides downloading the jar it’ll also put the configuration file for jmx-exporter.
This configuration file contains rules for rewriting JMX MBeans to the Prometheus exposition format metrics. Basically, it’s a collection of regexps to convert MBeans strings to Prometheus strings.
The example_configs directory in jmx-exporter sources contains examples for many popular Java apps including Kafka and Zookeeper.
As I’ve said jmx-exporter runs inside other JVM as java agent to collect JMX metrics. To demonstrate how it all works, let’s run it within Zookeeper.
Zookeeper is a crucial part of many production systems including Hadoop, Kafka
and Clickhouse, so you really want to monitor it. Despite the fact that you can
do this with 4lw commands
, stat
, etc.) and that there are
dedicated exporters
I prefer to use JMX to avoid constant Zookeeper querying (they add noise to
metrics because 4lw commands counted as normal Zookeeper requests).
To scrape Zookeeper JMX metrics with jmx-exporter you have to pass the following arguments to Zookeeper launch:
If you use the Zookeeper that is distributed with Kafka (you shouldn’t) then
pass it via EXTRA_ARGS
$ export EXTRA_ARGS="-javaagent:/opt/jmx-exporter/jmx-exporter.jar=7070:/etc/jmx-exporter/zookeeper.yml"
$ /opt/kafka_2.11- /opt/kafka_2.11-
If you use standalone Zookeeper distribution then add it as SERVER_JVMFLAGS to the zookeeper-env.sh:
# zookeeper-env.sh
Anyway, when you launch Zookeeper you should see the process listening on the
specified port (7070 in my case) and responding to /metrics
$ netstat -tlnp | grep 7070
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 892/java
$ curl -s localhost:7070/metrics | head
# HELP jvm_threads_current Current thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_current gauge
jvm_threads_current 16.0
# HELP jvm_threads_daemon Daemon thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_daemon gauge
jvm_threads_daemon 12.0
# HELP jvm_threads_peak Peak thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_peak gauge
jvm_threads_peak 16.0
# HELP jvm_threads_started_total Started thread count of a JVM
Kafka is a message broker written in Scala so it runs in JVM which in turn means that we can use jmx-exporter for its metrics.
To run jmx-exporter within Kafka, you should set KAFKA_OPTS
variable like this:
$ export KAFKA_OPTS='-javaagent:/opt/jmx-exporter/jmx-exporter.jar=7071:/etc/jmx-exporter/kafka.yml'
Then launch the Kafka (I assume that Zookeeper is already launched as it’s required by Kafka):
$ /opt/kafka_2.11- /opt/kafka_2.11-
Check that jmx-exporter HTTP server is listening:
$ netstap -tlnp | grep 7071
tcp6 0 0 :::7071 :::* LISTEN 19288/java
And scrape the metrics!
$ curl -s localhost:7071 | grep -i kafka | head
# HELP kafka_server_replicafetchermanager_minfetchrate Attribute exposed for management (kafka.server<type=ReplicaFetcherManager, name=MinFetchRate, clientId=Replica><>Value)
# TYPE kafka_server_replicafetchermanager_minfetchrate untyped
kafka_server_replicafetchermanager_minfetchrate{clientId="Replica",} 0.0
# HELP kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems Attribute exposed for management (kafka.network<type=RequestMetrics, name=TotalTimeMs, request=OffsetFetch><>Count)
# TYPE kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems untyped
kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems{request="OffsetFetch",} 0.0
kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems{request="JoinGroup",} 0.0
kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems{request="DescribeGroups",} 0.0
kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems{request="LeaveGroup",} 0.0
kafka_network_requestmetrics_totaltimems{request="GroupCoordinator",} 0.0
Here is how to run jmx-exporter java agent if you are running Kafka under systemd:
ExecStart=/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh /etc/kafka/server.properties
With jmx-exporter you can scrape the metrics of running JVM applications. jmx-exporter runs as a Java agent (inside the target JVM) scrapes JMX metrics, rewrite it according to config rules and exposes it in Prometheus exposition format.
For a quick setup check my Ansible role for jmx-exporter alexdzyoba.jmx-exporter.
That’s all for now, stay tuned by subscribing to the RSS or follow me on Twitter @AlexDzyoba.